Friday, 1 July 2016

Media Techniques - Editing


Continuity Editing:

The meaning of continuity editing is basically the main editing technique which is found in narrative feature films, TV shows and content on the web. Its job is to join a series of shots together, to make a scene that plays out in a a logical fashion. This is so the editing is unnoticeable which makes it look continuous, smooth and the editing appears invisible to the audience. 
This is what makes films unique in that the editing allows the audience to see a wide shot jump to a close up which wouldn't happen with the naked eye. Continuity editing allows the audience to easily get interested in the story. 

Types of continuity editing are temporal and spatial continuity techniques.

Non-Continuity/Discontinuity Editing:

This is the opposite of continuity editing  where instead of trying to make the edits invisible, non-continuity intends to the visible. This technique attracts attention to itself and interrupts the audiences expectations of continuity. 

Eye-line Match:

The whole point of it is that the audience will want to see what the character on screen is seeing through their eyes. Eye-line match begins with a character looking at something that isn't on the screen and then the shot switches to what the character is looking at. 

The 180 Degree Rule:

This rule is mandatory in order to maintain continutity within a scene. It keeps us updated as to everything within the scene.With this rule you create an imaginary line across the set for the scene that the camera does not cross. The camera needs to be positioned correctly or else the scene will not make sense to the audience. It stays in the established shots. Sometimes after there is no need for the rule, filmmakers break it for example like a fight scene(see lord of the rings scene helms deep part one and two)

Match On Action:

This is an editing technique for continuity editing in which one shot cuts to another shot displaying the action of the subject in the first shot. E.g putting something on the table then cuts and close up on the object. 

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